Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Additional cleanse foods and yeast/candida imbalance

In addition to the standard foods that are removed during a cleanse, if a person has yeast/candida imbalance concerns/symptoms, they can also consider removing a number of additional foods including:  all fermented foods (which can include yeast and yeast containing baked goods, alcohol, malt and malt containing foods, vinegar and vinegar containing/pickled foods, and mushrooms), all sweeteners (both refined and unrefined), dried fruit, and fruit juice.  For some people, they may also find support for their overall health in removing all fruit, all processed grain based foods (including pasta, muffins, cereal, crackers), higher carbohydrate vegetables (including peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, winter squash), all nuts, and all legumes.  Each of the above listed foods has the potential to further encourage yeast/candida imbalance in the body and can help support a person in feeling better and moving more towards balance when they are removed from the diet.

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